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GLY 6061: Geoscience Systems

Course description

Geoscience systems function in the deep Earth, shallow Earth, Earth's surface and Earth's atmosphere. They form one great dynamic system in which each is a part of other systems. We will compare and analyze each of these systems as well as read and discuss recent research, discoveries and debates.

Course Goals and Objectives

To examine major concepts in geologic and atmospheric sciences, and read important scientific articles on those subjects

Instructor: (in order of appearance): Dr. Grenville Draper [; 305-348-3087]; Dr. Rene Price []; Dr. Ping Zhu [].

When: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Tu/Th

Where: AHC4 202 (MCC)

Grading: Grades on the scale A-F will be based on: " periodic pop quizzes and/or assignments (30% of grade), " class participation (20%), " participation in field trips (20%), and " a presentation (30%). Grades use the scale: A = 93-100%, A- = 90-92%, B+ = 87-89%, B = 83-86%, B- = 80-82%, C+ = 77-79%, C = 73-76%, C- = 70-72%, D+ = 67-69%, D = 63-66%, D- = 60-62%, F = 0-59%.The student presentation is given in the style of an instructor on a subject that is part of their area of research and is related to the course.

Office hours: M/W/F, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM or by appointment at AHC5 234



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