Geoscience systems function in the deep Earth, shallow Earth, Earth's surface and Earth's atmosphere. They form one great dynamic system in which each is a part of other systems. We will compare and analyze each of these systems as well as read and discuss recent research, discoveries and debates.
Instructor: (in order of appearance): Dr. Grenville Draper [; 305-348-3087]; Dr. Rene Price []; Dr. Ping Zhu [].
When: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Tu/Th
Where: AHC4 202 (MCC)
Grading: Grades on the scale A-F will be based on: " periodic pop quizzes and/or assignments (30% of grade), " class participation (20%), " participation in field trips (20%), and " a presentation (30%). Grades use the scale: A = 93-100%, A- = 90-92%, B+ = 87-89%, B = 83-86%, B- = 80-82%, C+ = 77-79%, C = 73-76%, C- = 70-72%, D+ = 67-69%, D = 63-66%, D- = 60-62%, F = 0-59%.The student presentation is given in the style of an instructor on a subject that is part of their area of research and is related to the course.
Office hours: M/W/F, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM or by appointment at AHC5 234