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MET4750: Techniques for Earth System Modeling

Course Objectives

This course is an introduction to computational techniques for simulation of geophysical fluids, including atmospheric flow and ocean currents. It enables students to understand the basic concepts and common techniques used in numerical modeling of geophysical fluids and to learn fundamentals of programming in Python and FORTRAN90, both of which are widely used in solid earth, atmospheric and oceanic modeling. Each student will complete homework assignments and a group programming project of a simple geophysical fluid problem during the semester.

Time and location: 9:00 AM - 9:50 PM MoWeFi; AHC5-357

Instructor:Dr. Ping Zhu [].


Office hours:MoWeFi, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM or by appointment

Phone and E-mail: 305-348-7096;

Grading: Grades on the scale A-F will be based on: Homework & Projects (60%); Mid-term exam (20%); Final exam (20%)



Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science, by John Zelle

Other useful sources

Python for scientists by John M. Stewart

Python Official Website
