This course encompasses four branches of Oceanography, namely, (1) Geological Oceanography, we will discuss the study of the structures of the ocean floor and the creation, evolution, and ultimate disappearance of sea floors. We will also study the origin and properties of different type of sediments deposited on the ocean floor. (2) Chemical Oceanography, we will discuss the chemical composition and unique properties of sea water. (3) Physical Oceanography, we will study the formation of tides, waves and ocean currents, the ocean-atmospheric relationship that influences weather and climate, the physical properties of sea water, and how the modern technology studies the oceans. (4) Biological Oceanography, in this class will only study animals of the oceans. We will also study how the humans are affecting the oceanic environment.
This course will give you a broad but well-rounded knowledge of the earth’s oceans and introduce you to the scientific principles underlying the oceanic phenomenon which in turn will help you understand how the oceans ‘work’.
Instructor: Ping Zhu<>
When: Fall 2021; Tues/Thur, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM, 08/23/2021 - 12/04/2021
Where: Deuxieme Maison 190 (MMC)
Grading: Attendance 15%, Take-home Quizzes 5%, Exam#1 25%, Exam#2 25%, and Final 30%;
Grade scale: A = 93-100%, A- = 90-92%, B+ = 87-89%, B = 83-86%, B- = 80-82%, C+ = 77-79%, C = 70-76%, D = 60-69%, F = 0-59%
.Office hours:
Alan P. Trujillo and Harold V. Thurman Essentials of Oceanography, 13th Edition, Prentice Hall |
Useful Links:
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of
Columbia University
Ocean Drilling Program
The Oceanography Society
Sea Education Association
Florida Keys National Marine
El Nino